

This series of mouthpieces refers to an original, which is located in the London Museum on a trumpet by William Bull (active c. 1671 – 1712). It was surveyed by Eric Halfpenny, and in his publication in “The Galpin Society Journal XX (March 1967)”, he calls it “William Bull No. 2, brass” under the drawing and description “G”.

According to recent findings, the mouthpiece probably comes from this period (presumption Jean-francis Madeuf), but it could be from another manufacturer. Since historical mouthpieces are rarely signed and the situation is unclear, we stick to the usual method of naming the mouthpiece after the instrument on which it is placed. The BL models were developed in close collaboration with Jean-François Madeuf.

With their bright, brilliant sound and large bending range, these mouthpieces are excellently suited for playing on holeless long trumpets. Despite their large cup diameters, the high register is supported.

All values in mm
ModelDescriptionCup ØOutside ØThroat ØLengthRim shape
BL-1Copy of Bull-Mouthpiece, well suited for middle and high registers19.5031.804.389Flat
BL-1αShallower cup than BL-1, well suited for high register19.5031.804.289Flat
BL-1βDeeper cup than BL-1, well suited for middle and low register, specially for principal parts19.5031.804.489Flat
BL-2Well suited for middle and high registers19.0031.204.389Flat
BL-2αShallower cup than BL-2, well suited for high register19.0031.204.289Flat
BL-2βDeeper cup than BL-2, well suited for middle and low registers19.0031.204.489Flat
BL-3Well suited for middle and high register18.5030.454.389Flat
BL-3αShallower cup than BL-3, well suited for high register18.5030.454.289Flat
BL-3 βDeeper cup than BL-3, well suited for middle and low registers18.5030.454.389Flat
BL-4Well suited for middle and high registers18.0030.004.289Flat
BL-5Well suited for middle and high register17.5029.504.289Flat
BL-6Well suited for middle and high registers, for the more “modern” player17.0028.504.289Flat

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