Whether a fast service or a comprehensive repair. Or renting a historical or modern instrument for individual performances or even a longer period of time. We are always there for you! Individual custom-made products are among our specialities through the reproduction of historical instruments – whether mouthpieces, restorations or the new construction of entire instruments. Just talk to us!
For repairs and overhauls, Eggers are definitely the right address. From the piccolo trumpet to the sousaphone, we repair the entire range of metal wind instruments. Our specialist also expertly maintains and repairs woodwind instruments.
Repairs are a matter of trust. Together with you, we analyse the damage and prepare a binding offer. For routine service work, we offer different service levels to find the optimal solution for your instrument.
From the picccolo trumpet to the sousaphone, we repair every brass instrument.
In the case of historical instruments such as this flap trumpet, it is occasionally necessary to re-adjust and replace the cork.
Basic cleaning is a regular part of every brass instrument.
We have a specialist for the maintenance and repair of woodwind instruments.
A new winding with a baroque trumpet – often with its own cord – is made quickly.
When the instrument shines in a new splendour, the joy of playing comes up!
From the picccolo trumpet to the sousaphone, we repair every brass instrument.
In the case of historical instruments such as this flap trumpet, it is occasionally necessary to re-adjust and replace the cork.
Basic cleaning is a regular part of every brass instrument.
We have a specialist for the maintenance and repair of woodwind instruments.
A new winding with a baroque trumpet – often with its own cord – is made quickly.
When the instrument shines in a new splendour, the joy of playing comes up!
Sometimes you need an instrument for an engagement or a rarely performed stage music. Whether it is a 3-hole or 4-hole trumpet, natural hornor or trombone, we permanently have an extensive stock of rental instruments. We also rent out the more exotic instrument types, e.g. Aidatrumpets, Lohengrin trumpets, Posthorn (both for Mozart and for 3rd Mahler) etc.
If you or your orchestra or university ever need instruments that they do not want to buy immediately – contact us! We offer you a wide range of possibilities at interesting conditions.
With acoustic optimizations we offer you a unique and very special service. If you feel that there is even more potential in your instrument or mouthpiece, we can help you. With our acoustic measuring technology and our laser measuring system, we have exceptional possibilities. This allows us to quickly find the sticking points for, for example, sick tones, a bad speech. And also fix these by adapting to the components in question.
We do not only produce our replicas with love for the original instrument and absolute attention to detail. Restorations in particular require the highest level of empathy and respect for the instrument. The greatest possible preservation of the basic substance – not only in material terms, but also in musical terms – is our ultimate goal.
Where possible, we use historical craftsmanship techniques used at the time of the production of the original. We also consult a trained restorer for sensitive issues.
We offer special designs for both mouthpieces and instruments. For example, we manufacture a completely individual mouthpiece precisely according to your needs for mouthpieces. Just bring in the mouthpieces you like, tell us what you would like to improve and from there we develop your completely individual mouthpiece. Playing, listening carefully, adjusting, measuring, adjusting again – this is how an afternoon passes quickly at the end of which the perfect single piece stands.
In the case of instruments, the possibilities are equally limitless. Whether it is an exact replica of a historical instrument or special wishes – from rare historical replicas such as the Cor Chaussier to the mammoth horn and the quarter tone trumpet or even special concepts that have never been implemented before. Just talk to us!